John Levin
Mar 6, 2022


I also caught that report about Putin tipping off Xi about the invasion and Xi just saying "wait till the Olympics are over," forgetting that the Para Olympics count, too.

Don't fool yourself that Xi is that smart. He's screwed up, too, and now is in a real pickle. The Chinese (and the Indians, too) can't just go on with business as usual with the Putin regime. We'll see what they end up doing. But don't think they're so smart. Xi & Modi are not the brightest lights in the world.

Oh, and about the mud: The Russian column north of Kyiv is trapped on that narrow road, strung out for 40 miles, because they can't drive off onto the now thawed famous black soil Ukrainian spring ground. Russian military command: Dumb shits from hell.



John Levin

Scientist. Writer. Meditator. Blue Tantrika. Mystical Rabbi. Climate & Human Rights Activist. I’m a man of few words, except when I open my mouth.