John Levin
1 min readDec 28, 2020


Hi Lynn — “Energy Meditation” is my interpretation of the ancient Tantric techniques of exploring the “7 Energy Bodies” from the standpoint of the actual scientific things which people once explored using pre-scientific explanatory constructs. If you’re interested, I have several books on Amazon. Just search for “shungabliss.” The 1st book is 9 yrs old now. At that time, I was just beginning to explore the “Emptiness,” which you’ll see referenced in my current things on Medium. The Emptiness is the space where Universes come from, in the scientific sense. It has no thought, no shape, no form, but pervades this Existence. It’s what Zen Masters try to get across by their confounding illogic.
Obviously, if there is such a thing as “Enlightenment,” it must be the experience of something which is actually real. Otherwise, what substance would it have?

Please don’t take what you see in the 2 Shungabliss books as canonical, although the work is delightful and useful. When one finally begins to experience the Emptiness of the Buddhas, it throws everything into a more coherent light, to use a pun. I also tell people I subscribe to the Rodney Dangerfield School of Enlightenment … and that’s part of the fun of it.

Don’t hesitate to be in touch with any questions,





John Levin

Scientist. Writer. Meditator. Blue Tantrika. Mystical Rabbi. Climate & Human Rights Activist. I’m a man of few words, except when I open my mouth.