John Levin
1 min readFeb 4, 2022


Hi Joel, You're correct, of course: The R's are trying their best to avoid responsibility for all they've put the country through. Just today (2/4) the RNC voted to condemn Cheney and Kinzinger. In Virginia, the new R attorney general immediately fired a state university lawyer who had the temerity to go to Washington to help the Jan. 6th Committee.

It is quite amazing amazing to see such horrid vitriol and trying to run from responsibility. But Trump's indictments in NY and Georgia are coming, and, after public hearings about the Insurrection in Congress, and LOTS of players testifying because they know Trump can't prevent them from going to jail (That's what his rally speech about pardoning them was designed to prevent) ... the Committee WILL refer him to the DOJ for prosecution.

The reason I wrote this article was to try and break through the resignation that their psyops, so to speak, have fooled people into: A false resignation that I think is not really real.





John Levin

Scientist. Writer. Meditator. Blue Tantrika. Mystical Rabbi. Climate & Human Rights Activist. I’m a man of few words, except when I open my mouth.