Hi Amy! I’m so glad you read this one. Physicists like to say, “You can’t ask what happened BEFORE the Big Bang” becuase time and space only came into existence THEN. As I feel more and more how things work, combined with my scientific bent, I combine meditative Knowing with the actual Physics behind it. If it’s real, it has to be real … otherwise it’s not!
I call the space where Universes come from, the Emptiness. I love Bodhidharma. That’s why. But you can look at so many different names that Enlightened men and women give to the experience, and they’re all trying to describe a place where NOTHING exists (and, yet, it’s full).
Krishnamurti calls it “The Pathless Path.” So many creation myths talk about the Void. Tilopa says “Mahamudra rests on naught.” Osho, when once asked to describe Enlightenment in one sentence, said, “If you win, you lose. If you lose, you lose. Win or lose, you loose.”
I’m laughing with actual tears in my eyes … but, as I mentioned to Upasana, it must be the coffee.
Take care. Thanks for reading!