Actually - I'm so glad you put that in the poem, & here's my "scientific meditator" speaking - Some physicists have wondered if time itself is quantized. Everything else is, & lots of mathematical work trying to combine Quantum Mechanics with Gen. Relativity takes this approach.
The relevant meaning here (to a poem!) is that, when things are QUANTIZED, there are no smooth transitions: When an electron moves from one orbital in an atom to another, it does not smoothly go thru the intervening space. It's here & then it's there. It jumps. In between, it's "undefined."
So you may, in reality, be absolutely right. (It's how I approach things in my own meditation, & it's tremendous fun.)
If time is quantized, then you, the Universe itself, are (get ready) HERE - NOT HERE - HERE - NOT...
How cool can you get?
Letting yourself sense this gives you a zest in living that really changes everything.
Thanks, Aaron! I told you to watch out for another note!